Before you lay judgement on this topic. Please take the time to read the facts below. Thank you.
How can it be. That World governments make it legal to wage Wars, Rape our seas, poison the land and enslave it's people. We are fed constant lies by Governments, Police, Army and most importantly the media as they imprison our minds an install there propaganda into our day to day lives.
As we awaken to find for our selves, the truth within there lies. We must also allow ourselves to be open to possibilities and believe in the natural power of mother earth and the bond of ONE LOVE.
Through Governments own records, there has never been a single death, in any country, on any Continent attributed to Marijuana. However there are more than 2 million alcohol related deaths worldwide each year..
"Marijuana is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction of a nation"-Bob Marley
Anything that's grown from the earth- All the fruits, Vegetables and Herbs are grown free for all to enjoy. Nobody has the right to take away our freedoms.
WHY IS GANJA ILLEGAL ?In short Government don't want you to think but to follow.
Cannabis produces a feeling of positive well being, Reduces aggressive behavior and has the ability to make the truth more clearer.
Why Governments Worldwide have made this herb illegal is because, It opens a part of the mind, that awakens a deeper view that is normally repressed.
*We need to pay attention to the facts instead of believing everything the media says to be true*

Marijuana reveals you, to yourself.-Bob Marley
Wake up !!!
How is it globally excepted, that we can legality bye Cigarettes, Alcohol and Guns off the shelves in our local stores. But can not legally purchase a herb that grow from the earth.
Cannabis is a plant that grows much like corn or wheat, not a powdered drug produced in a laboratory. The stalk of the plant known as "hemp", contains fibers and is a sustainable, environmentally, friendly, renewable, natural resource. The flowers contain a mild phscoactive ingredient commonly reffered to as THC. When the flowers, or buds, are dried and smoked they are commenly reffered to as marijuana.
Cannabis is rated among the top medicines called panaceas, which means "CURE ALL".
The potential for cannabis includes, treating Multiple Sclerosis, Asthma & breathing difficulties, Alcoholism, Glaucoma, AIDS, Epilepsy, Migraines, Headaches, Severe Pain, as well as being an Antiarthritic & Antidepressent.
It is also used in many other treatments world wide - used to control inflammation, relief of nausea in cancer treatment patients. This is only the tip of the iceberg, there are many other medical properties this herb has to offer.
- Marijuana does not cause overdose deaths.
- Marijuana does not kill brain cells
- Marijuana does not impare the Immune system
- Marijuana does not causes psychological damage or mental illness.
None of the medical or scientific tests have disproved these facts
It has many uses besides medicinal, Ganja (Marijuana) is also a religious sacrament, its considered by Rastafarians "wisdom weed" as its use helps one to gain wisdom and brings us closer to our inner spiritual self, Jah (God) and Creation. Its used both to reflect and to meditate, symbolizing the burning bush, and for his curative properties.
Ganja is also seen by Rastafarians as the herb of life as is mentioned throughout in the Bible.
As seen below
Psalms 104:14- "He causeth the grass for the cattle, and herb for the service of man."
*Genesis 3:18- "Thou shalt eat the herb of the field."
Proverbs 15:17- "Better is a dinner of herb where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred there with."
It is also said that the Holy Herb was found growing on the King Solomon's grave.
Cannabis seeds (hempseed), contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other single plant source provides complete protein nutrition in such an easily digestible form, nor has the oils essential to life in as perfect a ratio for human health and vitality. Hempseed is the richest source in the plant kingdom of essential fatty acids."
Herb can be eaten or infused. Hemp is also used to make clothes, jewelry, shoes and ropes.