Nov 17, 2009


Never underestimate the power and importance of nature. With that, the Honeybee's population is in decline at a phenomenal rate.

Truth is- without these amazing insects, we position ourselves to loose vital crops causing a decline to access of natural foods and medicines deriving from plants.
many of which we simply take for granted.

From 2007- 2008 the honeybee population has decreased by 30%. However not enough action has been taken in addressing this alarming matter.
If 1 of every 3 cows in your country was dropping dead, you can bet the Department of Agriculture would be moving heaven and earth to find a cure.

WAKE UP !!!!!Simple fact- We don’t think to highly of bees, now do we ?
They're nothing more then a pest and a nuisance in the eyes of mankind. We desperately need to shake the misconception and stigma surrounding such a truly remarkable insect.

Colony Collapse Disorder, as it has been dubbed, is affecting 35 states in the US, as well as Europe, South America, India, and China.

Possible Causes-

1st THEORY - The bees may be dying not from a single toxin or disease but rather from an assault directed by a collection of pathogens. A research team led by entomologist May Berenbaum at the University of Illinois (U.S.A) compared the whole genome of honeybees that came from hives that had suffered from colony collapse disorder (CCD) with hives that were healthy. The sick bees exhibited genetic damage that could account for the die-off, and that damage indicated that they might be afflicted with multiple viruses simultaneously. This could weaken them enough to trigger CCD. It's like a perfect storm.
Honey bees were being predicted to be extinct in the US by 2035 before CCD, just from loss of habitat, pesticides, and parasites. Now it’s likely to happen much sooner.

2nd THEORY - The use of chemicals, such as herbicides and pesticides, on crops. Farmers treat the plants, and the honeybees are exposed to this as they collect the pollen from the plants. It's also thought that genetically altered plants may not supply the same quality pollen as organic plants may. This would mean the bees are not receiving the proper nutrients to survive and are dying off due to malnutrition. Hives that pollinate organic crops are not dying at the same rapid rate as other honeybees.

GLOBAL WARMING - Blamed for so many other problems, could be the cause of the honeybees disappearing. The warmer weather is increasing the growth of mites, viruses and fungi in hives and killing the honeybees.

RADIATION EMITTED BY CELL PHONES- Causing the bees to not find their way back to their hives. A study in Germany shows that it may actually be credible. The bees could not get back to their hive when cell phones were near.

Since scientists and biologists are unable to find a single cause for the disappearance of honeybees, Perhaps the answer lies with a combination of theory's.

Stay tunes for further develops on this mystery.

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